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3 Healthy Beverages to Warm You Up that Aren't Coffee

There is something about the cold weather and winter months that make scarves and Starbucks all that more inviting. As I am sitting here this afternoon writing, it's raining in LA. The sound of rain on the roof makes my toes cold and I have the urge to wash the coffee pot from this morning and make a fresh cup or two. I'm not tired and I don't need the caffeine, yet my hands are cold and would like to hold a warm mug. I resist the urge to grab the pot and instead turn to my cabinet for a healthier and much more nourishing alternative for my fit lifestyle.

Do you find yourself reaching for coffee more often throughout the day for comfort during the colder months? You're not alone. Yet, what if I told you that you could feel just as satisfied with one of these hot beverage alternatives. Beyond comfort, check out the other healthy benefits.



As yummy as chicken soup and full of flavor, with only 50 calories per serving.

  • Fights the cold & flu

  • Reduces joint pain & inflammation

  • Supports hair growth & strong nails

  • Helps bone grow & repair

  • Good source of protein- 10 grams per serving

*Home make chicken bone broth or buy it



Simple as hot water and the juice of half a lemon. Soothing, hydrating and lemon food magic

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Fights hunger cravings

  • Releases toxins & aids in digestion



According to research, turmeric has some 600 health benefits! Here are just a few:

  • Reduces symptoms of bloating & indigestion

  • Aids in fat metabolism

  • Skin & wound healing

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